Friday, September 14, 2012


I am starting the post by looking up the definition of wilderness. I thought it might be a good place to start, and then I could say what I thought it was and compare. This definition I am about to give was found online at the free dictionary website. The definition given is:
"1. An unsettled, uncultivated region left in its natural condition, especially:
              a. A large wild tract of land covered with dense vegetation or forests.
              b. An extensive area, such as a desert or ocean, that is barren or empty; a waste.
              c. A piece of land set aside to grow wild.
2. Something characterized by bewildering vastness, perilousness, or unchecked profusion."
Wilderness to me is a place that is untouched by man made things. I find myself to think that wilderness is more of a mind set. A place in your head to go where you are at peace. In order to do this you may have to go to the wilderness. Often I think of something surrounded by woods, or in a wide open field. A place where I may go alone with just me and my thoughts. I often find my wilderness through music. When I listen to music I think of the lyrics and where they take me. My mind goes to a calming state, where nothing but the music matters.
I guess you could say that I find wilderness to be more of a place your mind goes which could be the same as a state of mind. The definition that I found was more of a physical place you can go. Although, I do believe that places can be wilderness, I think of it more as a place your mind goes.